spam digest links and user portal) are only available if MailEssentials is running in IIS Mode. This is the default UI mode and is preferred over the Local mode as some functionalities (e.g. IIS Mode: This allows MailEssentials to be configured and managed remotely over the network using a web browser. Local Mode: When this mode is selected, MailEssentials can only be configured and managed from the local machine in which is installed. The GFI MailEssentials User Interface (UI) can be configured in either of the following two modes which determine how MailEssentials is accessed by the users: Enable/Disable Failed emails notificationsīack to top Description User Interface Mode.Setting Quarantine Store Location and Public URL.Email backup before and after processing.This will launch the Switchboard application from which the following application settings can be configured: The MailEssentials Switchboard is launched by navigating to the Windows Start menu > GFI MailEssentials > Switchboard.
This article discusses the role of the Switchboard utility as well as how to use it to configure various critical MailEssentials settings. The Switchboard is one of the default installation components that is included in the GFI MailEssentials programs group created during installation and is an important configuration tool for the MailEssentials administration environment.